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Technology and Your Student

Students in today's world need opportunities to utilize technology to communicate, collaborate, create, and think critically.

Students in grades K-12 have access to a wide variety of technology tools. Generally speaking, the following devices are utilized at different grade levels:

  • Kindergarten-2nd Grade: Touch Screen Chromebooks that will stay at school
  • Grades 3-12: One-to-One Chromebooks to take home and bring to school each day

Additionally, most schools have computer labs with desktop computers or mobile labs of laptops, plus limited numbers of iPads to further enhance instruction that integrates technology. Check with your student's building to find out more about the technology provided.

One-to-One Device Agreement and Program

This fall we required all parents and/or guardians to review and sign a 1:1 device agreement in order to use a District Chromebook. The purpose of the agreement was to clearly communicate the expectations and rules regarding the use of District Chromebooks to parents and students.

In order to simplify the process, we are moving to an opt-out process for the agreement. At this time, if you do not want to use the District Chromebook at home you can “opt-out” and return the Chromebook to your child’s school. A Chromebook will be provided for use at school as needed. If you wish to “opt-out” and return your student’s Chromebook, please complete the device “opt-out” form and then return the District Chromebook to your child’s school. If you wish to continue to use the Chromebook you do not need to do anything. We will consider your continued use of the Device as your agreement with the terms. Please do not hesitate to contact technology services or your child's school if you have any questions or concerns regarding this process.

  • All students in Stevens Point Area Public School District receive a Chromebook to use at school and at home.

  • Students keep their Chromebook year round and do not need to turn it in until they leave the District.

  • Students are responsible for bringing the Chromebook to school each day

  • Students must charge their Chromebook each night

  • Students are expected to be able to use the Chromebook at home for homework, projects and E-learning days

  • Students and families are responsible for any damage to the Chromebooks

  • Damages will incur a fine of $25 for each instance

  • Families will be responsible for paying the replacement cost of lost or stolen devices

  • The District will provide Internet access to any student in need. Parents can submit a request using this form.

  • Parents may opt their child out of the 1:1 Chromebook program by using this form but are responsible for providing computer access at home

District Acceptable Use Policy

District Acceptable Use Policy 381.3 (AUP) for PK-12 students and all staff

Digital Citizenship

To ensure our students are prepared for their digital future, the District has adopted The Digital Literacy and Citizenship Classroom Curriculum developed by Common Sense Media.

Data Privacy

The Stevens Point School District takes your student's data privacy very seriously and complies with FERPA, COPPA, and CIPPA. The District utilizes a software approval process to ensure that any accounts created for your student will comply with these federal laws.


The District has partnered with Securly, a Chromebook monitoring and management service, to protect students online at school and home. Teachers are able to monitor student Chromebooks during school hours from 8 AM to 4 PM. Parents have the option to sign up for Securly Parent Home if they wish to take advantage of the parent console options during non-school hours. Visit Securly Parent Home Access to learn more. 

Learning Management System

The District uses Schoology as its learning management system. All secondary classrooms utilize Schoology to store, organize, and deliver instructional materials and activities. Elementary classrooms use Schoology and / or Seesaw.